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Wednesday, July 25, 2012 at 9:23AM

...how do I feel about studying abroad? I have lived in Florence for 6 months, 26 weeks, or 182 days  (but who is counting?). I am not the same person I was before, and I have changed. Better work ethic, different study habits, able to conquer public transport in one fatal swoop...but that's a completely separate blog topic.

If you, reader (is there anyone out there?), are thinking about studying abroad, I urge you to do it. There is never a more ideal time than now to up and leave everything familiar and relocate to a new country to further your studies. No matter your major, your career will benefit, and your character will do a complete One-Eighty. I sound like a broken record, but I don't care. Go to the Office of International Programs at UA or otherwise. Get a pamphlet, make an appointment. Get your passport. The world is your oyster or whatever. Just do it, already!

Oh, and money? With all respect, reader, do not give me your excuses of money. Scholarships and loans are completely worth the trouble; I know how expensive studying abroad can get. Need I drop the term 'invaluable experience' again? 

So if you do end up studying abroad, my advice to you is this...


As usual, there's more I could say, but above are my top five! I'm always available for more information if needed.

Ciao for now,



Article originally appeared on Melissa Kreider (http://melissakreider.squarespace.com/).
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