Sacrificed screens and couches (with a hacksaw) for art.
Monday, September 2, 2013 at 9:08PM

A few weeks ago, I finally set up that home studio I mentioned before! My brother and his burly pal came over with a saw and destroyed my couch to make room for the seamless paper. I suppose we could have carried it out, but it was a second rate couch. I like to watch the world burn.

When people come over, we sit on my porch or in my kitchen and have a drink. They laugh at the fact that I don't have a sofa or a television. In a perfect world, I'd have enough room for all of it. I don't miss it. I find myself so busy that I can barely keep up with my favorite tv shows as it is. 

It took me awhile to get the lighting ratio/best time of day down pat, but I think I have finally figured it out..


There are many more black and white portraits from constantly forcing anyone who steps into my abode in front of my camera. I didn't want to overwhelm you, so here are three of my favorites. 

An exciting update will be coming later this week. I am finally beginning to travel again, so I am, of course, a very happy girl.


Article originally appeared on Melissa Kreider (
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