Shiny Photoshop Tutorial of the Month.

What did I do on my Valentine's Day in Italy, you ask (nobody asked)? I retaught myself how to do this:

It's stupid-easy!

Step 1] You need to take no less than two photos of yourself. The trick is not letting your camera move in between shots. Not one millimeter. I set mine on a table and used my quick-response button in order to achieve maximum stillness, but you can use a self-timer just as well. If you can, shoot in manual. When photographing things in auto, the camera will often pick up light differently in each shot and it will cause your final product to look campy and obviously 'shopped. 

        Step 2] Alright; you've taken your pictures and you've put them onto your computer. Open both of them in Photoshop (I use CS3) separately. Switch to your first photo and click Select>All. Copy and Paste that beaut onto your second one with the most stable background so it creates a new layer. 

Step 3] Select the History Brush and begin painting on your background layer where your absent clone should be and watch them appear! You might want to toggle the light/contrast, etc to make the two more unified if something went wrong with your light in the process. 

Simple, right? Now go do it. There are endless possibilities and endless amounts of times you can clone yourself. Get creative!

Ciao, ciao!

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